Auto Mouse Clicker Multiple Places

Auto Mouse Clicker Multiple Places

Advanced Mouse Auto Clicker is a powerful yet easy-to-use tool with many more features that can free your hands and save your time. It's an inexpensive automatic mouse clicking utility. It's used to automate screen mouse clicks at specified intervals. Welcome to Auto Clicker - AutoFill!!!! Have question Chat on Discord: Fill input field or click button or link anything anywhere. Easy configure in few steps and work like PRO Auto click / Auto fill extension developed with HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Quickly configure your job using XPath and work like PRO.

It can record the X and Y coordinates of the mouse click points and work upon it easily. With the help of auto mouse clicker software, you can automate one or multiple clicks at the same time. You can record a series of multiple clicks and let the software do the clicks for you.

Moreover, you can edit the settings further according to your work. It can be extremely useful for a number of office operations as well as video games.

Once you download software and start it, you will need to record the click points that you wish to have automated clicks. In order to do this, you have to start the recording on the software and then move your cursor point to their respective locations.

You might have to press a key on your keyboard or simply left click, depending upon the software, to record. You can either record one click point or multiple and chain them together to do a specific task. Once you record a point, its coordinate will be displayed on the software.

Some software come with features that allow you to save your click coordinates. This can be greatly useful when you don’t want to record the same click points over and over again.

In these cases, you can just save up your X and Y coordinate list and then use it again in the future. This will save you a great deal of time and hassle.

Auto clicker with multiple locations

Once you have all your X and Y coordinate list, you have to sit back and let the software do all the work. The software will work till the user stops it or it has completed its number of clicks previously set by the user.

When you want to Automate Mouse Clicking and / or press Keystrokes with Keyboard Shortcut, you can use given below feature of the Auto Mouse Click Application. You can create Multiple Clickers or create Multiple Key Pressers and control single or multiple Key Pressers with a single Keyboard Shortcut. The given below Screenshot displays the complete procedure to launch the Multiple Mouse Clicking feature of this Windows Automation Software.

Auto Mouse Clicker Multiple Places

Mouse Action(s) and Keystroke Action(s) can be added by using the Right Click Menu as displayed in the screenshot above. Once Action(s) are added, you can select single or multiple actions and assign appropriate Keyboard Shortcut. Let’s do have a look at the New Mouse Action Screen which allows you to Automate Mouse Clicking at current Mouse Cursor Location, Fixed Screen Location or at Random Screen Location.

Add New Mouse Action Screen to Click at Current, Fixed or at Random Screen Location

You can even assign a Name to the new Mouse Clicker which can be configured using Right Click Menu Commands to configure Time Duration, Repeat Count and Keyboard Shortcut. In order to Automate your Mouse to Click at Multiple Screen Locations controllable with a single Keyboard Shortcut, do add multiple Mouse Clickers and then select multiple Mouse Clickers and use Right Click Menu to configure them. The given below Screenshot displays how to assign a single Keyboard Shortcut to execute all the selected Mouse Clickers.

Auto Mouse Clicker Multiple Places Free

Assign Keyboard Shortcut to Single or Multiple Mouse or Keystroke Actions

Note that in the above Screenshot, the Menu item to assign a single Keyboard Shortcut has been highlighted and we will assign F6 as the Keyboard Shortcut to Start / Stop all the Selected Mouse Clickers. Yes you can even select Key Presser(s) and Mouse Clicker(s) simultaneously using the same procedure.

Single Keyboard Shortcut being assigned to execute Multiple Mouse Clickers

Once we Click on OK on the Assign Keyboard Shortcut Screen, Main Application Window will update itself to reflect the new Keyboard Shortcut assigned. The Application Window is Re-sizable and also remembers it’s dimensions and location. Yes you can even customize Font of the record(s) listed in the Application Window. You can also resize Column width of the List for comfortable viewing of whole data presented by the Software.

Single Keyboard Shortcut Assigned to execute Multiple Mouse Clickers

Auto Mouse Clicker Multiple Places

With individual control of every Mouse Clicker and Key Presser, you can fine tune your Automated Mouse Clicking and Key Pressing requirements. You should also look into the Settings Screen which offers advanced configurable features along with an emergency Keyboard Shortcut to abort all Mouse Clicking and Key pressing done by the Software.

Settings Screen with configurable Keyboard Shortcut to Abort Mouse Clicking and Key Pressing

Auto Mouse Clicker Multiple Places Without

This unique and best Software Application is really easy to use offering you Asynchronous and Synchronous Mouse and Keystroke Automation. Whether you want to create a Script or have single or multiple Mouse Clickers / Key Pressers, the Auto Mouse Click Application is definitely the Best Windows Automation Application allowing full control over Mouse and Keyboard Automation.

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