Epi Info 7.2

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Epi Info™ is a public domain suite of software tools designed for the global community of public health practitioners and researchers. The Companion for Android brings many of Epi Info's features onto the Android mobile platform. Epidemiologists can calculate sample sizes, collect data, and perform analysis using their smartphones. Learn the basics on how to use Epi Info™ 3. Create a directory for your files on your PC 4. Enter data from the completed evaluation tools into your PC 5. Export data or do analyses in Epi Info™ 1. Download Epi Info™ The objective of using Epi Info TM is to allow for concise electronic data processing to support analyses, and to provide. Welcome to Epi Info 7 training. In this video you will learn to create a form from an Excel spreadsheet. This is the Excel spreadsheet that I'll convert to a form in Epi Info. It's rather large and has hundreds of records and I'll show you how to do the conversion.

November 16, Page last updated: Elle est récupérable depuis la page « Téléchargement d’Epi Info » de mon nouveau site consacré à Epi Info en français: Elles ont été mises à jour vers la version indiquée. Une nouvelle mise à jour d’Epi Info 7 est disponible depuis fin mars , c’est la version 7. Elisabete Estorilio — Medica Sanitarista Courriel: Posté par davstat à Box Mbabane, Swaziland Courriel:

Nom:epi info 7.2
Format:Fichier D’archive
Système d’exploitation:Windows, Mac, Android, iOS
Licence:Usage Personnel Seulement
Taille:22.6 MBytes

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Epi Info 7.2


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